

* Copyright (C) 2002 - 2021 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT





* @file xiic.c

* @addtogroup Overview

* @{


* Contains required functions for the XIic component. See xiic.h for more

* information on the driver.


* <pre>



* Ver   Who  Date     Changes

* ----- --- ------- -----------------------------------------------

* 1.01a rfp  10/19/01 release

* 1.01c ecm  12/05/02 new rev

* 1.01c rmm  05/14/03 Fixed diab compiler warnings relating to asserts.

* 1.01d jhl  10/08/03 Added general purpose output feature

* 1.02a jvb  12/13/05 Added CfgInitialize(), and made CfgInitialize() take

*                     a pointer to a config structure instead of a device id.

*                     Moved Initialize() into xiic_sinit.c, and have

*                     Initialize() call CfgInitialize() after it retrieved the

*                     config structure using the device id. Removed include of

*                     xparameters.h along with any dependencies on xparameters.h

*                     and the _g.c config table.

* 1.02a mta  03/09/06 Added a new function XIic_IsIicBusy() which returns

*                        whether IIC Bus is Busy or Free.

* 1.13a wgr  03/22/07 Converted to new coding style.

* 1.15a ktn  02/17/09 Fixed XIic_GetAddress() to return correct device address.

* 1.16a ktn  07/18/09 Updated the notes in XIic_Reset function to clearly

*                     indicate that only the Interrupt Registers are reset.

* 1.16a ktn  10/16/09 Updated the notes in the XIic_SelfTest() API to mention

*                     that the complete IIC core is Reset on giving a software

*                     reset to the IIC core. This issue is fixed in the latest

*                     version of the IIC core (some previous versions of the

*                     core only reset the Interrupt Logic/Registers), please

*                      see the Hw specification for further information.

* 2.00a ktn  10/22/09 Converted all register accesses to 32 bit access.

*                      Some of the macros have been renamed to remove _m from

*                      the name see the xiic_i.h and xiic_l.h file for further

*                      information (Example XIic_mClearIntr is now

*                      XIic_ClearIntr).

*                      Some of the macros have been renamed to be consistent,

*                      see the xiic_l.h file for further information

*                      (Example XIIC_WRITE_IIER is renamed as XIic_WriteIier).

*                      The driver has been updated to use the HAL APIs/macros.

* 2.07a adk   18/04/13 Updated the code to avoid unused variable warnings

*                          when compiling with the -Wextra -Wall flags.

*                          Changes done if files xiic.c and xiic_i.h. CR:705001.

* 3.2   sk   11/10/15 Used UINTPTR instead of u32 for Baseaddress CR# 867425.

*                     Changed the prototype of XIic_CfgInitialize API.

* 3.3   als  06/27/16 XIic_IsIicBusy now static inline in xiic.h.

* 3.8        rna  11/30/20 Corrected the order of Assert in XIic_SetRecvHandler.

* </pre>



/***************************** Include Files *******************************/

#include "xiic.h"

#include "xiic_i.h"

/************************** Constant Definitions ***************************/

/**************************** Type Definitions *****************************/

/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *******************/

/************************** Function Prototypes ****************************/

static void XIic_StubStatusHandler(void *CallBackRef, int ErrorCode);

static void XIic_StubHandler(void *CallBackRef, int ByteCount);

/************************** Variable Definitions **************************/




* Initializes a specific XIic instance.  The initialization entails:


* - Initialize the driver to allow access to the device registers and

*   initialize other subcomponents necessary for the operation of the device.

* - Default options to:

*         - 7-bit slave addressing

*         - Send messages as a slave device

*         - Repeated start off

*         - General call recognition disabled

* - Clear messageing and error statistics


* The XIic_Start() function must be called after this function before the device

* is ready to send and receive data on the IIC bus.


* Before XIic_Start() is called, the interrupt control must connect the ISR

* routine to the interrupt handler. This is done by the user, and not

* XIic_Start() to allow the user to use an interrupt controller of their choice.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        Config is a reference to a structure containing information

*                about a specific IIC device. This function can initialize

*                multiple instance objects with the use of multiple calls giving

*                different Config information on each call.

* @param        EffectiveAddr is the device base address in the virtual memory

*                address space. The caller is responsible for keeping the

*                address mapping from EffectiveAddr to the device physical base

*                address unchanged once this function is invoked. Unexpected

*                errors may occur if the address mapping changes after this

*                function is called. If address translation is not used, use

*                Config->BaseAddress for this parameters, passing the physical

*                address instead.


* @return

*                - XST_SUCCESS when successful

*                - XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED indicates the device is started

*                (i.e. interrupts enabled and messaging is possible). Must stop

*                before re-initialization is allowed.


* @note                None.



int XIic_CfgInitialize(XIic *InstancePtr, XIic_Config * Config,

                           UINTPTR EffectiveAddr)



         * Asserts test the validity of selected input arguments.


        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        InstancePtr->IsReady = 0;


         * If the device is started, disallow the initialize and return a Status

         * indicating it is started.  This allows the user to stop the device

         * and reinitialize, but prevents a user from inadvertently

         * initializing.


        if (InstancePtr->IsStarted == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED) {

                return XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED;



         * Set default values and configuration data, including setting the

         * callback handlers to stubs  so the system will not crash should the

         * application not assign its own callbacks.


        InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0;

        InstancePtr->BaseAddress = EffectiveAddr;

        InstancePtr->RecvHandler = XIic_StubHandler;

        InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = NULL;

        InstancePtr->SendHandler = XIic_StubHandler;

        InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = NULL;

        InstancePtr->StatusHandler = XIic_StubStatusHandler;

        InstancePtr->Has10BitAddr = Config->Has10BitAddr;

        InstancePtr->IsReady = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY;

        InstancePtr->Options = 0;

        InstancePtr->BNBOnly = FALSE;

        InstancePtr->GpOutWidth = Config->GpOutWidth;

        InstancePtr->IsDynamic = FALSE;

        InstancePtr->IsSlaveSetAckOff = FALSE;


         * Reset the device.




        return XST_SUCCESS;





* This function starts the IIC device and driver by enabling the proper

* interrupts such that data may be sent and received on the IIC bus.

* This function must be called before the functions to send and receive data.


* Before XIic_Start() is called, the interrupt control must connect the ISR

* routine to the interrupt handler. This is done by the user, and not

* XIic_Start() to allow the user to use an interrupt controller of their choice.


* Start enables:

*  - IIC device

*  - Interrupts:

*         - Addressed as slave to allow messages from another master

*         - Arbitration Lost to detect Tx arbitration errors

*         - Global IIC interrupt


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.


* @return        XST_SUCCESS always.


* @note


* The device interrupt is connected to the interrupt controller, but no

* "messaging" interrupts are enabled. Addressed as Slave is enabled to

* reception of messages when this devices address is written to the bus.

* The correct messaging interrupts are enabled when sending or receiving

* via the IicSend() and IicRecv() functions. No action is required

* by the user to control any IIC interrupts as the driver completely

* manages all 8 interrupts. Start and Stop control the ability

* to use the device. Stopping the device completely stops all device

* interrupts from the processor.



int XIic_Start(XIic *InstancePtr)


        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);


         * Mask off all interrupts, each is enabled when needed.


        XIic_WriteIier(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, 0);


         * Clear all interrupts by reading and rewriting exact value back.

         * Only those bits set will get written as 1 (writing 1 clears intr).


        XIic_ClearIntr(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, 0xFFFFFFFF);


         * Enable the device.


        XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET,



         * Set Rx FIFO Occupancy depth to throttle at

         * first byte(after reset = 0).


        XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_RFD_REG_OFFSET, 0);


         * Clear and enable the interrupts needed.



                                XIIC_INTR_AAS_MASK | XIIC_INTR_ARB_LOST_MASK);

        InstancePtr->IsStarted = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED;

        InstancePtr->IsDynamic = FALSE;


         * Enable the Global interrupt enable.



        return XST_SUCCESS;





* This function stops the IIC device and driver such that data is no longer

* sent or received on the IIC bus. This function stops the device by

* disabling interrupts. This function only disables interrupts within the

* device such that the caller is responsible for disconnecting the interrupt

* handler of the device from the interrupt source and disabling interrupts

* at other levels.


* Due to bus throttling that could hold the bus between messages when using

* repeated start option, stop will not occur when the device is actively

* sending or receiving data from the IIC bus or the bus is being throttled

* by this device, but instead return XST_IIC_BUS_BUSY.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.


* @return

*                - XST_SUCCESS indicates all IIC interrupts are disabled.

*                No messages can be received or transmitted until XIic_Start()

*                is called.

*                - XST_IIC_BUS_BUSY indicates this device is currently engaged

*                in message traffic and cannot be stopped.


* @note                None.



int XIic_Stop(XIic *InstancePtr)


        u32 Status;

        u32 CntlReg;

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);


         * Disable all interrupts globally.



        CntlReg = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET);

        Status = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET);

        if ((CntlReg & XIIC_CR_MSMS_MASK) ||

                (Status & XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK)) {


                 * When this device is using the bus

                 * - re-enable interrupts to finish current messaging

                 * - return bus busy



                return XST_IIC_BUS_BUSY;


        InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0;

        return XST_SUCCESS;





* Resets the IIC device.


* @param    InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.


* @return        None.


* @note     The complete IIC core is Reset on giving a software reset to

*           the IIC core. Some previous versions of the core only reset

*           the Interrupt Logic/Registers, please refer to the HW specification

*           for further details about this.



void XIic_Reset(XIic *InstancePtr)


        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

        XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_RESETR_OFFSET,






* This function sets the bus addresses. The addresses include the device

* address that the device responds to as a slave, or the slave address

* to communicate with on the bus.  The IIC device hardware is built to

* allow either 7 or 10 bit slave addressing only at build time rather

* than at run time. When this device is a master, slave addressing can

* be selected at run time to match addressing modes for other bus devices.


* Addresses are represented as hex values with no adjustment for the data

* direction bit as the software manages address bit placement.

* Example: For a 7 address written to the device of 1010 011X where X is

* the transfer direction (send/recv), the address parameter for this function

* needs to be 01010011 or 0x53 where the correct bit alllignment will be

* handled for 7 as well as 10 bit devices. This is especially important as

* the bit placement is not handled the same depending on which options are

* used such as repeated start.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        AddressType indicates which address is being modified, the

*                address which this device responds to on the IIC bus as a slave,

*                or the slave address to communicate with when this device is a

*                master. One of the following values must be contained in

*                this argument.

* <pre>

*   XII_ADDR_TO_SEND_TYPE        Slave being addressed by a this master

*   XII_ADDR_TO_RESPOND_TYPE        Address to respond to as a slave device

* </pre>


* @param        Address contains the address to be set, 7 bit or 10 bit address.

*                A ten bit address must be within the range: 0 - 1023 and a 7 bit

*                address must be within the range 0 - 127.


* @return

*                - XST_SUCCESS is returned if the address was successfully set.

*                - XST_IIC_NO_10_BIT_ADDRESSING indicates only 7 bit addressing

*                  supported.

*                - XST_INVALID_PARAM indicates an invalid parameter was

*                  specified.


* @note


* Upper bits of 10-bit address is written only when current device is built

* as a ten bit device.



int XIic_SetAddress(XIic *InstancePtr, int AddressType, int Address)


        u32 SendAddr;

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(Address < 1023);


         * Set address to respond to for this device into address registers.


        if (AddressType == XII_ADDR_TO_RESPOND_TYPE) {


                 * Address in upper 7 bits.


                SendAddr = ((Address & 0x007F) << 1);

                XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_ADR_REG_OFFSET,


                if (InstancePtr->Has10BitAddr == TRUE) {


                         * Write upper 3 bits of addr to DTR only when 10 bit

                         * option included in design i.e. register exists.


                        SendAddr = ((Address & 0x0380) >> 7);


                                        XIIC_TBA_REG_OFFSET, SendAddr);


                return XST_SUCCESS;



         * Store address of slave device being read from.


        if (AddressType == XII_ADDR_TO_SEND_TYPE) {

                InstancePtr->AddrOfSlave = Address;

                return XST_SUCCESS;


        return XST_INVALID_PARAM;





* This function gets the addresses for the IIC device driver. The addresses

* include the device address that the device responds to as a slave, or the

* slave address to communicate with on the bus. The address returned has the

* same format whether 7 or 10 bits.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        AddressType indicates which address, the address which this

*                responds to on the IIC bus as a slave, or the slave address to

*                communicate with when this device is a master. One of the

*                following values must be contained in this argument.

* <pre>

*   XII_ADDR_TO_SEND_TYPE        Slave being addressed as a master

*   XII_ADDR_TO_RESPOND_TYPE        Slave address to respond to as a slave

* </pre>

*  If neither of the two valid arguments are used, the function returns

*  the address of the slave device


* @return        The address retrieved.


* @note                None.



u16 XIic_GetAddress(XIic *InstancePtr, int AddressType)


        u8  LowAddr;

        u16 HighAddr = 0;

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);


         * Return this device's address.


        if (AddressType == XII_ADDR_TO_RESPOND_TYPE) {

                LowAddr = (u8) XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress,


                if (InstancePtr->Has10BitAddr == TRUE) {

                        HighAddr = (u16) XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress,



                return ((HighAddr << 8) | (u16) LowAddr);



         * Otherwise return address of slave device on the IIC bus.


        return InstancePtr->AddrOfSlave;





* This function sets the contents of the General Purpose Output register

* for the IIC device driver. Note that the number of bits in this register is

* parameterizable in the hardware such that it may not exist.  This function

* checks to ensure that it does exist to prevent bus errors, but does not

* ensure that the number of bits in the register are sufficient for the

* value being written (won't cause a bus error).


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        OutputValue contains the value to be written to the register.


* @return

*                - XST_SUCCESS if the given data is written to the GPO register.

*                 - XST_NO_FEATURE if the hardware is configured such that this

*                register does not contain any bits to read or write.


* @note                None.



int XIic_SetGpOutput(XIic *InstancePtr, u8 OutputValue)


        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);


         * If the general purpose output register is implemented by the hardware

         * then write the specified value to it, otherwise indicate an error.


        if (InstancePtr->GpOutWidth > 0) {

                XIic_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_GPO_REG_OFFSET,


                return XST_SUCCESS;

        } else {

                return XST_NO_FEATURE;






* This function gets the contents of the General Purpose Output register

* for the IIC device driver. Note that the number of bits in this register is

* parameterizable in the hardware such that it may not exist. This function

* checks to ensure that it does exist to prevent bus errors.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        OutputValuePtr contains the value which was read from the

*                register.


* @return

*                - XST_SUCCESS if the given data is read from the GPO register.

*                 - XST_NO_FEATURE if the hardware is configured such that this

*                register does not contain any bits to read or write.


* The OutputValuePtr is also an output as it contains the value read.


* @note                None.



int XIic_GetGpOutput(XIic *InstancePtr, u8 *OutputValuePtr)


        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertNonvoid(OutputValuePtr != NULL);


         * If the general purpose output register is implemented by the hardware

         * then read the value from it, otherwise indicate an error.


        if (InstancePtr->GpOutWidth > 0) {

                *OutputValuePtr = XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress,


                return XST_SUCCESS;

        } else {

                return XST_NO_FEATURE;






* A function to determine if the device is currently addressed as a slave.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.


* @return

*                 - TRUE if the device is addressed as slave.

*                - FALSE if the device is NOT addressed as slave.


* @note                None.



u32 XIic_IsSlave(XIic *InstancePtr)


        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        if ((XIic_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET) &

                 XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK) == 0) {

                return FALSE;


        return TRUE;





* Sets the receive callback function, the receive handler, which the driver

* calls when it finishes receiving data. The number of bytes used to signal

* when the receive is complete is the number of bytes set in the XIic_Recv

* function.


* The handler executes in an interrupt context such that it must minimize

* the amount of processing performed such as transferring data to a thread

* context.


* The number of bytes received is passed to the handler as an argument.


* @param        InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        CallBackRef is the upper layer callback reference passed back

*                when the callback function is invoked.

* @param        FuncPtr is the pointer to the callback function.


* @return        None.


* @note                The handler is called within interrupt context .



void XIic_SetRecvHandler(XIic *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef,

                         XIic_Handler FuncPtr)


        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

        Xil_AssertVoid(FuncPtr != NULL);

        InstancePtr->RecvHandler = FuncPtr;

        InstancePtr->RecvCallBackRef = CallBackRef;





* Sets the send callback function, the send handler, which the driver calls when

* it receives confirmation of sent data. The handler executes in an interrupt

* context such that it must minimize the amount of processing performed such

* as transferring data to a thread context.


* @param        InstancePtr the pointer to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        CallBackRef the upper layer callback reference passed back when

*                the callback function is invoked.

* @param        FuncPtr the pointer to the callback function.


* @return        None.


* @note                The handler is called within interrupt context .



void XIic_SetSendHandler(XIic *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef,

                         XIic_Handler FuncPtr)


        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

        Xil_AssertVoid(FuncPtr != NULL);

        InstancePtr->SendHandler = FuncPtr;

        InstancePtr->SendCallBackRef = CallBackRef;





* Sets the status callback function, the status handler, which the driver calls

* when it encounters conditions which are not data related. The handler

* executes in an interrupt context such that it must minimize the amount of

* processing performed such as transferring data to a thread context. The

* status events that can be returned are described in xiic.h.


* @param        InstancePtr points to the XIic instance to be worked on.

* @param        CallBackRef is the upper layer callback reference passed back

*                when the callback function is invoked.

* @param        FuncPtr is the pointer to the callback function.


* @return        None.


* @note                The handler is called within interrupt context .



void XIic_SetStatusHandler(XIic *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef,

                           XIic_StatusHandler FuncPtr)


        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);

        Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

        Xil_AssertVoid(FuncPtr != NULL);

        InstancePtr->StatusHandler = FuncPtr;

        InstancePtr->StatusCallBackRef = CallBackRef;




* This is a stub for the send and recv callbacks. The stub is here in case the

* upper layers forget to set the handlers.


* @param        CallBackRef is a pointer to the upper layer callback reference

* @param        ByteCount is the number of bytes sent or received


* @return        None.


* @note                None.



static void XIic_StubHandler(void *CallBackRef, int ByteCount)


        (void) ByteCount;

        (void) CallBackRef;





* This is a stub for the asynchronous error callback. The stub is here in case

* the upper layers forget to set the handler.


* @param        CallBackRef is a pointer to the upper layer callback reference.

* @param        ErrorCode is the Xilinx error code, indicating the cause of

*                the error.


* @return        None.


* @note                None.



static void XIic_StubStatusHandler(void *CallBackRef, int ErrorCode)


        (void) ErrorCode;

        (void) CallBackRef;



/** @} */


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